Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Win!

I just want to take a moment to gloat. Not only are scientologists more disapproved of than me, but so is George W. Bush.

Seems Bushy has a record breaking 71% disapproval rating.

I, on the other hand, only have a 45% disapproval rating. So I'm pretty sure that means I should be in charge. Of everything. This is a completely valid conclusion, based on a lot of very meticulous and indisputable research. Trust me.

When I am queen of the earth, the first things I will do is ban traffic jams, mosquitoes, and bank fees. I will also mandate vending machines in all public places that will dispense beer. The beer will cost $.05 a bottle. And gasoline will also be only $.05. Per TANK.

Oh then I will take care of all the poverty and disease and global warming. But beer comes first. I mean, what kind of leader would I be if I didn't know how to prioritize?


Mike said...

Can I be your campaign manager/Karl Rove-type shadowy figure in the background?

Liz Williams said...

Oh hell yeah!

I will pay you very well to be my minion, too. Mwaah haa haaaaaaa.

Sundeviltk said...

You know there are other things you need to make legal and cheap that should come out of a vending machine.

Liz Williams said...

Officially, I have no idea what you are talking about ;)